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cavity filling

Cavity Filling.jpg

Cavities are small holes in your teeth, occurring after the damage of the enamel, a hard outer layer of the teeth. You may not notice the formation of cavities in your teeth until it shapes up into extreme pain and discomfort. Cavities may occur among both children and adults. You may prevent it with regular dental visits and proper oral hygiene. In severe cases, we will treat cavities using dental procedures like root canals, fillings, and others. 

What are the Causes of Cavities? 

  • Cavities are caused because of the build-up of bacteria in the mouth. It mostly happens when you feed on starchy and sugary foods and drinks. 

  • Cavities are the result of the accumulation of plaque on the surface and between the teeth. 

  • When you do not brush or floss your teeth properly, acids in the plaque erode your tooth enamel, thus leading to cavities. 

What are the Signs of Cavities?

  • Foul taste and bad breath 

  • Bleeding from the gums

  • Swelling on the face 

  • Throbbing toothache 

  • Redness inside or around the mouth 

  • Sensitivity to hot and cold food or drinks. 

How Are Cavities Treated? 

The treatment of this dental problem depends upon its severity and how early you visit our clinic. If diagnosed early, we may prevent further damage to your teeth by giving them a fluoride treatment to repair the enamel. But, if the condition goes worse, we may perform other procedures.


Dental fillings are used to seal your cavities. Under the procedure, we fill the hollow area of your teeth using materials such as silver amalgam, gold, and composite resin. Fillings protect your teeth exactly like enamel. 

Root Canal may be required if the cavities have gone all the way through your enamel to your tooth pulp. It is the material inside your teeth that surrounds nerves and blood vessels. We will numb the area and clean the tooth roots thoroughly by removing the decay. After cleaning and disinfecting the area, you will receive a permanent filling to seal it. We may also use a dental crown as a part of the restoration. 

Tooth Extraction if the damage to your teeth is so severe that even a root canal cannot save it, we will perform a tooth extraction to protect your remaining teeth from infection and cavities. We may use other dental restorations like implants or bridges to fill the spaces left by the infected teeth.

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