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gum disease/gingivitis

Gum Disease - Gingivities.png

The importance of maintaining good oral hygiene habits cannot be understated. In the absence of proper brushing and flossing, bacteria begin to proliferate at a very high rate around teeth and gums, leading to gingivitis, or simply, gum infection. But you can reverse gingivitis and prevent its recurrence by maintaining proper oral hygiene and visiting us for treatment. 

What is Gingivitis?

Gingivitis is characterized by inflammation of your gums or gingiva, causing redness, irritation, and swelling. If not treated on time, it can escalate to periodontitis and ultimately tooth loss. As mentioned, gingivitis occurs when bacteria form a thin layer around the teeth and gums called plaque. Over time, plaque hardens and forms tartar, which is difficult to remove and allows bacteria to grow further. 

If you experience bleeding from your gums, it may be a sign that you have gum disease though not all gum bleeding signifies gingivitis. One may have bleeding gums due to other conditions like poor oral hygiene, ill-fitted dental devices, pregnancy, liver disease, bleeding disorders, anemia, leukemia, etc., as well. 

Symptoms of Gingivitis 

  • Puffy or swollen gums

  • Dark red or dusky red gums 

  • Bleeding from gums on brushing or flossing 

  • Receding gums 

  • Bad breath 

  • Tenderness 

  • Pus discharge from teeth and gums 

  • Pain while chewing 

Treatment of Gingivitis 

  • Scaling - On your consultation visit, we will do a thorough deep cleaning (scaling of your teeth) to remove plaque or tartar from the surface of the teeth and below the gum line. We will remove plaque and tartar from the root and smoothen the rough surface through root planning. 

  • Medications - We will prescribe antibiotics to you to control the infection and gum inflammation. We might also insert antiseptic chips containing chlorhexidine and antibiotic microspheres in your pockets after root planing to accelerate healing. 

  • Surgery - In some cases, we also plan surgeries. It depends on the severity of gingivitis and bone loss. Common surgeries indicated to treat gingivitis include flap surgery, bone and tissue grafts, dental crown lengthening, etc.

Aftercare to Stop Gum Bleeding and Prevent Gingivitis

  • Dental Check-up and Cleaning - Regular dental check-ups and dental cleaning is the first step to keep gingivitis and gum bleeding at bay. Visit us for dental cleanings once every six months. 

  • Oral Hygiene - Apart from dental check-ups and cleanings,  practice good oral hygiene habits that include brushing the teeth after every meal, followed by flossing and rinsing the mouth with an antiseptic mouthwash. We will also recommend you quit smoking, as this habit can exacerbate your condition. Furthermore, managing diabetes is also essential to reverse gingivitis and maintain good oral hygiene. 

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