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dental bridges & implants

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You might have heard that your overall health is only as good as your dental health. Perhaps this is the reason why missing teeth raise health concerns. Moreover, the gaps in the smile look unsightly. Fortunately, with dental bridges, you can bridge the gaps and reach optimal oral health. 

What is a Dental Bridge? 

A dental bridge is an appliance that replaces your missing tooth or teeth. It comprises a pontic (false tooth) supported by crowns on either side of it. The crowns, holding the pontic in place, are cemented on the abutment teeth on either side of the gap. A pontic can be made from several materials, such as tooth-colored porcelain, gold, alloys, composite resin, or a combination of these dental materials. 

Why Do You Need a Bridge?

You need a healthy set of teeth to maintain your health. If one or more teeth are missing, you will encounter several problems, such as bite problems, chewing difficulties, stress on your jaw and teeth causing pain, and more. Moreover, a toothless smile will also impact your confidence. 

Some of the advantages of a dental bridge are:

  • Restore your smile 

  • Help you chew properly 

  • Restore your speech

  • Distribute biting forces helping with chewing

  • Prevents teeth from leaving their original position


Types of Dental Bridges

Traditional Fixed Bridge is the most common type of bridge, which comprises two or more crowns connected to filler teeth or teeth. The crowns cemented to the abutment teeth keep it affixed. Commonly, these types of bridges are made of ceramics, porcelain fused to metal, and metal. 


Cantilever Bridge comprises a pontic that connects to one abutment tooth. We use this type of bridge when you have teeth only on one side of your missing tooth. 

Maryland Dental Bridge also called a resin-bonded bridge, it is indicated when your front teeth are missing. It is usually made of ceramic or porcelain fused to metal. A framework supports it with wings on each side, and we bond the wings to your existing teeth. 

Implant-supported Bridge is similar to a traditional bridge. The only difference is that in this, we hold the replacement teeth in place by implants. 

How Long Does a Bridge Last? 

Your dental bridge can last anywhere from five to fifteen years. If you maintain proper oral hygiene by brushing, flossing, and using an antiseptic mouthwash and visit us for checkups regularly, it can last for a significant duration. 

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