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loose tooth

Loose Tooth.jpg

A loose tooth in children denotes a healthy growth and transition, but in adults, it can be alarming. It indicates a serious underlying issue that should be addressed before any irreversible damage occurs. If you experience looseness in one or more teeth while brushing, flossing, or chewing, visit us to receive proper dental treatment and care to save your tooth, replace it, or remove it.  

Causes of Loose Tooth

Gum Diseases Periodontitis, a common gum disease characterized by infection and inflammation of gums, is a leading cause of tooth loss. The plaque build-up around teeth and gums hardens to form tartar, which pulls the gums away from your teeth, creating gaps. Over time, the infection reaches the bone and tissues supporting your teeth, making them loose.


InjuryAny injury caused due to an accident, fall, or blow to the face can damage the teeth, surrounding tissues, and bone, causing loose teeth. Furthermore, clenching or grinding teeth in stressful situations or as a habit also damages teeth and their supporting structure. Over time, the teeth become loose. 

PregnancyThe hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy are also a cause of loose teeth. In pregnancy, the levels of estrogen and progesterone rise, affecting the bones and tissues supporting your teeth, causing them to become loose. 


Osteoporosis - is a common condition in which bones become porous and weak. Due to this, even small impacts can cause the bone to break. When it affects the jawbone, it loses its density, and teeth may become loose and fall out. 


Treatment of Loose Tooth

  • We do scaling and root planning to reverse gum diseases and hence, loose teeth. 

  • We prescribe antibacterial medicines and mouth rinses to help fight gum infections. 

  • In some cases, we indicate surgeries, such as bone graft surgery (prevents bone loss) and gum graft (prevents gum loss). 

  • We give dental appliances, such as bite splints, to you if you have a habit of grinding your teeth. 

  • We recommend you carry out proper treatment of diabetes if you are diabetic to maintain sound oral health. 


We recommend you brush your teeth twice a day, floss once a day, quit smoking, wear mouthguards while playing sports, wear bite splints to prevent night-time clenching and grinding, keep your sugar levels under check, and regular cleaning and dental check-ups to prevent loose teeth. If you have osteoporosis, we recommend you consult your doctor and take the required supplements.  

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